Suite à un sinistre dans votre maison, choisir une entreprise de restauration après sinistre digne de confiance peut signifier la différence entre un petit nettoyage et une restauration plus coûteuse en temps et en argent. Nous sommes inégalés pour fournir rapidement des services de qualité optimale en matière de restauration et de récupération suite à un sinistre, et ce, même lorsque le volume d'appels est à son maximum. En cas de situations extrêmes, vous pouvez être confiants que nos experts en restauration après sinistre sont prêts à assurer des services rapides de restauration et d'intervention d'urgence pour votre maison ou votre entreprise 24 heures par jour, 7 jours par semaine, 365 jours par année.

En plus d'offrir nos principaux services, en voici certains autres :


Pendant des années, ServiceMaster Après Sinistre nettoie et désinfecte des maisons qui ont fait face à des problèmes de contamination provenant de divers risques et expositions à des maladies infectieuses. Nous sommes solidement équipés pour vous fournir les services de nettoyage préventif et post-exposition que requiert votre propriété.


Hoarder Clean Up

At ServiceMaster Restore of Calgary, we know that successfully handling a hoarding situation calls for a sensitive, realistic approach and professional skills that can only come from specialized training. Our company has many years of experience and expertise in the professional cleaning and restoration industry, so we are able mitigate any hoarding situation, large or small. Contact us to help restore  the property, and your peace of mind. Our hoarding cleanup services include debris removal, biohazard disposal, content cleaning for salvageable items, and professional cleaning, disinfecting, sanitizing and deodorizing of the affected premises. You can trust ServiceMaster Restore of Calgary to ensure professional and proper cleanup of any hoarding site.


Residential Reconstruction

If your home has experienced major damage from a natural disaster, our restoration professionals are prepared to provide the highest quality and fastest disaster restoration, reconstruction and repairs services for your home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. At ServiceMaster Restore of Calgary, we are a fully equipped and licensed disaster restoration general contractor, and we have the experience, expertise and resources to rebuild your home from the ground up. Our qualified professional technicians can coordinate the entire reconstruction process and ensure the timely completion of the project. Our disaster restoration management team and field supervisors have many years of disaster restoration experience and expertise, so you can have peace of mind knowing the rebuild process of your home is in our competent and caring hands.  Please contact us for a complete list of our reconstruction services.



Whether it is just time for a new roof, or you have had fire, water or weather damage to your home, you can count on ServiceMaster Restore of Calgary for everything from basic roofing repairs to total roof replacement. Additionally, if you suspect there could be mould in your attic due to water damage or leaks, we have the resources and expertise to safely and properly remove mould and restore your attic as well as your roof.  Regardless of the situation,  you can count on our highly trained roof building and roof restoration specialists to correctly inspect, diagnose and report on all restorative work your home’s roof may require.


Vandalism in the Home

Vandalism in your home can be very destructive and stressful. At ServiceMaster Restore of Calgary, we can provide emergency board-up service to ensure your property is secure and safe while you are awaiting permanent repairs. We are also a fully equipped and licensed disaster restoration general contractor. We have the experience, expertise and resources to provide reconstruction or repairs that may be required after an incident of vandalism in your home. Contact us immediately for help achieving the best results in restoring your home after an occurrence of vandalism.


If a vehicle hits your home or otherwise damages the property, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond quickly to your situation.  We can provide emergency structure stabilization to ensure that your property is secure and safe while you are awaiting the more permanent repairs.  We will work with your insurance provider to secure the property and restore your home.